Masoud Rousta

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Masoud Rousta

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  • Understanding the JavaScript language

     As they advance through their careers, many JavaScript coders like Bob and Ann reach the point where they’re actively using the vast number of elements that form the language. In many cases, however, those skills may not be taken beyond fundamental levels. Our guess is that this is often because JavaScript, using a C-like syntax, bears a surface resemblance to other widespread C-like languages (such as C# and Java), and thus leaves the impression of familiarity.

    People often feel that if they know C# or Java, they already have a pretty solid understanding of how JavaScript works. But it’s a trap! When compared to other mainstream languages, JavaScript is much more functionally oriented. Some JavaScript concepts differ fundamentally from those of most other languages.

    These differences include the following:

    Functions are first-class objects—In JavaScript, functions coexist with, and can be treated like, any other JavaScript object. They can be created through literals, referenced by variables, passed around as function arguments, and even returned as function return values. We devote much of chapter 3 to exploring some of the wonderful benefits that functions as first-class objects bring to our JavaScript code.

    Function closures—The concept of function closures is generally poorly understood,but at the same time it fundamentally and irrevocably exemplifies the importance of functions to JavaScript. For now, it’s enough to know that a function is a closure when it actively maintains (“closes over”) the external variables used in its body. Don’t worry for now if you don’t see the many benefits of closures; we’ll make sure all is crystal clear in chapter 5. In addition to closures, we’ll thoroughly explore the many aspects of functions themselves in chapters 3 and 4, as well as identifier scopes in chapter 5.

    Scopes—Until recently, JavaScript didn’t have block-level variables (as in other C-like languages); instead, we had to rely only on global variables and function-level variables.

    Prototype-based object orientation—Unlike other mainstream programming languages (such as C#, Java, and Ruby), which use class-based object orientation, JavaScript uses prototypes. Often, when developers come to JavaScript from class-based languages (such as Java), they try to use JavaScript as if it were Java, essentially writing Java’s class-based code using the syntax of JavaScript. Then, for some reason, they’re surprised when the results differ from what they expect. This is why we’ll go deep into prototypes, how prototype-based object-orientation works, and how it’s implemented in JavaScript.

    JavaScript consists of a close relationship between objects and prototypes, and functions and closures. Understanding the strong relationships between these concepts can vastly improve your JavaScript programming ability, giving you a strong foundation for any type of application development, regardless of whether your JavaScript code will be executed in a web page, in a desktop app, in a mobile app, or on the server.

    In addition to these fundamental concepts, other JavaScript features can help you write more elegant and more efficient code. Some of these are features that seasoned developers like Bob will recognize from other languages, such as Java and C++. In particular, we focus on the following:

    Generators, which are functions that can generate multiple values on a per-request basis and can suspend their execution between requests 

    Promises, which give us better control over asynchronous code

    Proxies, which allow us to control access to certain objects

    Advanced array methods, which make array-handling code much more elegant

    Maps, which we can use to create dictionary collections; and sets, which allow us to deal with collections of unique items

    Regular expressions, which let us simplify what would otherwise be complicated pieces of code

    Modules, which we can use to break code into smaller, relatively self-contained pieces that make projects more manageable Having a deep understanding of the fundamentals and learning how to use advanced language features to their best advantage can elevate your code to higher levels. Honing your skills to tie these concepts and features together will give you a level of understanding that puts the creation of any type of JavaScript application within your reach.

    Next Blog: How will JavaScript evolve?

  • Who are Bob and Ann?

    Let’s talk about Bob. After spending a few years learning how to create desktop applications in C++, he graduated as a software developer in the early 2000s and then went out into the wide world. At that point, the web had just hit its stride, and everybody wanted to be the next Amazon. So the first thing he did was learn web development. He learned some PHP so that he could dynamically generate web pages, which he usually sprinkled with JavaScript in order to achieve complex functionality such as form validation and even dynamic on-page clocks! Fast-forward a couple of years, and smartphones had become a thing, so anticipating a large new market opening up, Bob went ahead and learned Objective-C and Java to develop mobile apps that run on iOS and Android. Over the years, Bob has created many successful applications that all have to be maintained and extended. Unfortunately, jumping daily between all these different programming languages and application frameworks has really started to wear down poor Bob.
    Now let’s talk about Ann.Two years ago, Ann graduated with a degree in software development, specializing in web- and cloud-based applications. She has created a few medium-sized web applications based on modern Model–view–controller (MVC) frameworks, along with accompanying mobile applications that run on iOS and Android. She has created a desktop application that runs on Linux, Windows, and OS X, and has even started building a serverless version of that application entirely based in the cloud. And everything she has done has been written in JavaScript. That’s extraordinary! What took Bob 10 years and 5 languages to do, Ann has achieved in 2 years and in just one language. Throughout the history of computing, it has been rare for a particular knowledge set to be so easily transferable and useful across so many different domains. What started as a humble 10-day project back in 1995 is now one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. JavaScript is quite literally everywhere, thanks to more-powerful JavaScript engines and the introduction of frameworks such as Node, Apache Cordova, Ionic, and Electron, which have taken the language beyond the humble web page. And, like HTML, the language itself is now getting long overdue upgrades intended to make JavaScript even more suitable for modern application development. In this book, we’re going to make sure you know all you need to know about JavaScript so that, whether you’re like Ann or like Bob, you can develop all sorts of applications on a green field or a brown field.

  • Use a Bezier Curve to Move a GraphicPassed

    A previous challenge discussed the ease-out keyword that describes an animation change that speeds up first and then slows down at the end of the animation. On the right, the difference between the ease-out keyword (for the blue element) and linear keyword (for the red element) is demonstrated. Similar animation progressions to the ease-out keyword can be achieved by using a custom cubic Bezier curve function.
    In general, changing the p1 and p2 anchor points drives the creation of different Bezier curves, which controls how the animation progresses through time. Here's an example of a Bezier curve using values to mimic the ease-out style:
    animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1);
    Remember that all cubic-bezier functions start with p0 at (0, 0) and end with p3 at (1, 1). In this example, the curve moves faster through the Y-axis (starts at 0, goes to p1 y value of 0, then goes to p2 y value of 1) than it moves through the X-axis (0 to start, then 0 for p1, up to 0.58 for p2). As a result, the change in the animated element progresses faster than the time of the animation for that segment. Towards the end of the curve, the relationship between the change in x and y values reverses - the y value moves from 1 to 1 (no change), and the x values move from 0.58 to 1, making the animation changes progress slower compared to the animation duration.

        border-radius: 50%;
        position: fixed;
        width: 50px;
        height: 50px;
        margin-top: 50px;
        animation-name: bounce;
        animation-duration: 2s;
        animation-iteration-count: infinite;
      #red {
        background: red;
        left: 27%;
        animation-timing-function: linear;
      #blue {
        background: blue;
        left: 56%;
        animation-timing-function: ease-out;
      @keyframes bounce {
        0% {
          top: 0px;
        100% {
          top: 249px;
    <div class="balls" id= "red"></div>
    <div class="balls" id= "blue"></div>

  • Make Motion More Natural Using a Bezier Curve

    This challenge animates an element to replicate the movement of a ball being juggled. Prior challenges covered the linear and ease-out cubic Bezier curves, however neither depicts the juggling movement accurately. You need to customize a Bezier curve for this.
    The animation-timing-function automatically loops at every keyframe when the animation-iteration-count is set to infinite. Since there is a keyframe rule set in the middle of the animation duration (at 50%), it results in two identical animation progressions at the upward and downward movement of the ball.
    The following cubic Bezier curve simulates a juggling movement:
    cubic-bezier(0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.6);
    Notice that the value of y2 is larger than 1. Although the cubic Bezier curve is mapped on a 1 by 1 coordinate system, and it can only accept x values from 0 to 1, the y value can be set to numbers larger than one. This results in a bouncing movement that is ideal for simulating the juggling ball.

      .balls {
        border-radius: 50%;
        position: fixed;
        width: 50px;
        height: 50px;
        top: 60%;
        animation-name: jump;
        animation-duration: 2s;
        animation-iteration-count: infinite;
      #red {
        background: red;
        left: 25%;
        animation-timing-function: linear;
      #blue {
        background: blue;
        left: 50%;
        animation-timing-function: ease-out;
      #green {
        background: green;
        left: 75%;
        animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.311, 0.441, 0.444, 1.649);

      @keyframes jump {
        50% {
          top: 10%;
    <div class="balls" id="red"></div>
    <div class="balls" id="blue"></div>
    <div class="balls" id="green"></div>


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    Understanding the JavaScript language

     As they advance through their careers, many JavaScript coders like Bob and Ann reach the point where they’re actively using the vast number...


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